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Get the best news from leading national news outlets to local niche websites and blogs. A selection of over 10,000 (and growing) online publishers, magazines, newspapers, columns and blogs from 18 countries available to add to your personal collection. You’ll get information and inspiration from the world’s leading publications, including The Guardian, TIME, The New York Times, Business Insider, Bloomberg, Mashable and many more!
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Our vastly improved search feature delivers the best results for both articles and sources; bringing you what you’re looking for in literally the blink of an eye; scanning all the news, blogs, magazines, articles, headlines, columnists and more. The best part? It’s free!
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Ease of use that’s hard to put down
Bundle offers a premium user experience with award-winning design and an intuitive interface. Choose from 2 viewing modes: grid view or card view. Turn off article thumbnails when you’re running low on data. Give your eyes a rest and turn on dark mode to read news at night and save battery. Log in to your social media accounts, sync saved articles, and follow publishers across all your devices. Share news articles with your friends on social media.